BOTOX® Treatment – Mineola, NY

Reduce Signs of Aging Without Surgery

Whether you have developed fine lines and facial wrinkles as a result of shifting your face to express your emotions or due to bad habits like excessive sun exposure and smoking, these flaws can impact your confidence as well as others’ perceptions of you. BOTOX® in Mineola is a minimally invasive, surgery-free solution to reduce the prominence of these signs of aging, helping boost your self-esteem and restore your youthful appearance. Contact our team today to schedule an appointment and learn more!

Why Choose Meadowbrook Dental Care for BOTOX® Treatment?

  • Virtually No Recovery Time
  • Non-Invasive Wrinkle Reduction Treatment
  • Team of 5 Skilled Cosmetic Dentists

What Is BOTOX®?

Person drawing syringe for Botox in Mineola

BOTOX® is a brand of injection that contains diluted botulinum toxin, which can be injected directly into overworked and stressed muscles to help them relax and smooth out. It’s used in small doses on the face to reduce lines caused by frowning, smiling, and squinting, and the results can last between three and six months, depending on whether you’ve received the injections before.

Your cosmetic dentist in Mineola will speak with you about your goals and how many injections may be required to make those happen before moving forward with treatment. Each dose will only take a moment to administer, and the treatment as a whole can typically be completed in less than an hour.

Who Is a Good Candidate for BOTOX®?

Close up of eye before and after treating wrinkles with Botox

If you suffer from any of these signs of facial aging, you can benefit from BOTOX®:

  • Smoker lines are visible around the lips and mouth.
  • Smile lines at the corners of the mouth.
  • Crow’s feet at the edge of eyes.
  • Lines between the eyebrows caused by squinting and frowning.
  • Horizontal lines on the forehead caused by frowning and raising the eyebrows.

The Benefits of BOTOX®

Three senior women smiling at table with coffee mugs

BOTOX® offers a wide range of advantages for patients, including the following:

  • Visible Results Within Two Weeks: Patients can notice reduced wrinkle appearance within anywhere from five days to two weeks following their treatment.
  • Non-Surgical & Minimally Invasive: No scalpel, sutures, or recovery time is necessary for this cosmetic procedure.
  • Lasting Results: Results can last between three and six months.
  • Cost-Effective: Unlike costly surgery, BOTOX® injections are incredibly affordable.
  • Natural-Looking Effects: When injected by a professional like a cosmetic dentist, you can expect subtle, natural-looking enhancements.


Is BOTOX® Safe?

BOTOX is derived from a purified strain of botulinum toxin; therefore, it is safe for human use in small doses. It’s more common to experience side effects if the serum isn’t FDA-approved. Meadowbrook Dental Care only uses high-quality products for your safety. When administered by a qualified professional, there’s minimal risk of any complications. In fact, the USDA has only reported 36 adverse reactions in 14 years, many of which were caused by underlying health issues. Your cosmetic dentist will review your health history to ensure BOTOX® is the right solution for you.

Is BOTOX® Permanent?

BOTOX® isn’t permanent because your body breaks the protein down over time. However, you can enjoy long-lasting results with regular treatment sessions. Every case differs, but results last an average of 3-6 months. Your results are influenced by your age, metabolism, activity level, and environmental toxins. The temporary results of BOTOX® are safe and effective while allowing you to make modifications to your treatment plan as your needs and goals change.

Is BOTOX® Only for Women?

More than 500,000 men in America invest in BOTOX® every year. A youthful appearance is important in any profession to maintain a competitive edge. Not to mention, men want to look their best. Whether you want to boost your confidence or improve your career prospects, BOTOX® can target crow’s feet, frown lines, the forehead, and laugh lines. It’s a quick and easy solution to achieve the results you want with no downtime. You’ll see the results in 5-7 days.

What Happens If I Stop BOTOX® Injections?

If you stop receiving treatment, your wrinkles will be visible again. It will occur gradually as your body breaks down the BOTOX®. The length of time it takes for your wrinkles to return will depend on how long you’ve been receiving injections. You can restart BOTOX® treatments at any time if you change your mind.